

Laundry automation




ALMdesk 4th edition - January 2014
(multilanguage, v. 4 - 14.01 - rev. 0)

Top Rated Software
CLEAN Software certified by Clean Softs Professional Association
Shareware Software
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ALMdesk 4th edition
(v. 4 14.01 - rev. 0)
Download ALMdesk 4th edition
7.1 MByte)

Shows a youtube tutorial for articles acceptance

Shows a youtube tutorial for customers registration


  • The program fully works for 30 days from installation. If you activate its installation, a code will be send to extend its use for an additional 60 days.
    In case of purchase, a code will be given that allows its use without any time limit.
    Alternatively, you can buy the license for a period of time (eg., one year), at a lower cost.
  • In folder "stuff", contained in "languages", translations are available, to be improved, of language files in French, Spanish and Arabic. To use them, make a copy in folder "languages". Then, with AlmDesk started, select "Preferences" and the desired language.


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