Laundry automation




CnfAlm image

CnfAlm price list

Main features:

 Price list

Full process

Rapid proces

Ironed only

Washed only

Produces new Price-lists or modifies the existing ones. Produces a price-list with prices derived perceptually from an other. Each price-list is made up of 100 items numbered from 0 to 99. Every entry is composed of: the name of the article, the cost of special care process, rapid process, washed only, ironed only and water process; moreover, it's possible to indicate the store and the position where you wish to load each item. Each operation is associated to a price-list chosen from all the available however you can modify this association when and if desired and print a receipt with different prices. The selection of a different price-list is effected in DeskAlm by the simple push of a key.
Configures the printing of receipts (during item return only or also at acceptance), the addition of total in Euro, the printing of side by side copies for ink jet printers or of a single copy superimposed in the case of impact dot matrix, the number of working days to item return, etc.
Garments store
Assigns and re dimensions the number of places of any store (shelf or conveyer); defines its characteristics, the way to load the items; sets or resets the possibility of inserting items in any single position.
Assigns and re dimensions the number of operation used by the archive. Every operation corresponds to a card compiled at item acceptance and depleted after return. A deleted card doesn't leave any tracks on the PC and becomes available for a subsequent operation.
Processes report
Produces, shows and prints reports on the state of archive, of operations and of each store. Shows and prints the contents of each price-list. Verifies the archive integrity bringing to light any eventual anomalies and correcting eventual errors.
Configures the communication with the cards used to control the conveyers.

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